The RICS Home Survey – Level 1

Being forewarned is forearmed. Choose from three levels of RICS home surveys.

Choosing the right home survey will help highlight any serious problems and advise you of the specific risks before you commit to the process of buying or selling a property.

Level 1

The RICS Home Survey – Level 1 (Survey only)

Choose this report if you’re buying or selling a conventional house, flat or bungalow built from common building materials and in reasonable condition.

This service includes:

  • A visual inspection that is considerably less comprehensive than the RICS Home Survey – Level 2 and the RICS Home Survey – Level 3
  • Clear ‘traffic light’ ratings of the condition of different parts of the building, services, and the grounds, showing problems that may require varying degrees of attention
  • A summary of risks to the building, people and grounds.
  • An assessment of the relative importance of the defects and problems.

What it doesn’t include:

The RICS Home Survey – Level 1 does not include advice on repairs or ongoing maintenance and it does not include a valuation. No tests of the building fabric or services are undertaken.



A: For most people, buying a property represents the largest financial commitment and investment of a lifetime.

It is vital that before parting with a life changing sum of money to a vendor that you instruct a trusted professional to view and assess the condition of the property to ensure that it is fundamentally in structurally sound condition and any potential pitfalls or potential big bills are brought to your attention.

Find out more. Call us on 0115 773 3000 or email to book today

A: Once you have the report in hand, you will have all the information you need to allow you to move your purchase forward in one of three options: 

1) Reassurance. The report will have allayed any concerns you may have had. Any minor defects will have been identified and you will be armed with the information of what immediate or medium-term maintenance needs to be carried out. You can use any defects that have been noted to predict the costs of ongoing maintenance going forward.

2) Renegotiation. You can go back to the vendor using the information highlighting any problems or defects that have been identified within the report to potentially renegotiate more favourable terms with the vendor. 

In some cases it could mean you pay less for the property, in other cases you might be able to agree a scheme of works and improvements with the vendor before you complete the purchase and take possession of the property. At the very least you will now be armed with more information as to what the financial implications might be of taking on the subject property.

3) Walk away. If the report uncovers significant hidden defects in the property, it may make you reconsider purchasing the property at all. This could be for any number of reasons. Perhaps it’s overpriced, dangerous, or simply uneconomical to repair. Whilst this resolution might be disappointing, walking away from a purchase can often be the right decision if it means avoiding ongoing financial nightmares post sale.

No matter the findings of your report, it will provide all the information you need to allow you to move forward and make the best, informed decision for both you and your family.

Find out more. Call us on 0115 773 3000 or email to book today

A: Here at Bramble & Wagg, we believe everyone deserves a premium quality service as standard. Our passion is delivering to our clients good, old fashioned, quality service utilising the most up-to-date tools and forward-facing technology.

All our surveyors are fully qualified and RICS accredited so you know you are in safe hands. We understand that buying a property can be a highly stressful experience. Ultimately, what we offer and strive to provide, is peace of mind for you and your family.

Want to know more? 

See our “Why Bramble & Wagg?” section.

Find out more. Call us on 0115 773 3000 or email to book today

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Our cast iron guarantee to every client is a premium quality service backed up by local knowledge from qualified accredited professionals.


We believe that everyone is entitled to a premium-level service – that’s why we don’t offer over-priced fancy bolt-on packages and we won’t surprise you with hidden fees & surcharges. Every instruction automatically qualifies for a post-survey MS Teams call with the surveyor who carried out the property survey.

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Not sure which survey is right for you? Let us help you choose the best option for you.

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